
Darch Genealogy

Welcome to the fourth version of the Darch Genealogy page!

It's a work in continuous progress, and will never be fully complete. New data is regularly added - you can see from the date at the bottom of this page when data was last uploaded. The Updates page lists the outline of new data added.

Please only bookmark this new Home page. Page names change as the volume of data grows and if you bookmark a page inside the site, it may not persist.

Email me to find out more (click my name at the bottom of any page to open an e-mail message form).

Over the past decade or so, I've gathered information about Darch people from all over the world…

My paternal grandmother was Mabel Ellen Darch, her father was one of eleven children and the only one who stayed in England - the rest emigrated to North America.

Those children were all born in Yarnscombe, a tiny village in North Devon. Their parents were also born in the same village, but their paternal grandfather moved from Landkey, a few miles away. I have worked back through time to trace the family's roots to about 1750 - and got stuck!

To go further meant searching for elusive links into other Darch families. The name is rare, so it seemed a possibility, as well as an interesting challenge.

I needed help, so I started to ask questions in web sites and to publish my own web pages. Now there are dozens of people collaborating with each other with a shared aim: answering the question:

Where did my Darch family come from?

My aim is to gather as much information as possible and display it as meaningfully as I can. You are invited to tell me more or correct my data or my interpretations of that data as much as you like.

I hope that others researching their family who come across a connection into any Darch family will find this resource helpful and contribute to what we know and can share. No people who are likely to still be alive are identified, but even so, it should be possible for visitors to identify a point of connection somewhere in the families.

Other main family names: Glover, Hider, Kay, Cail, Pickering, Kilham, Crompton, Parry, Worth

The web site now also contains details of my Glover and Hider ancestry as well as many of the ancestor lines of the Kay family into which I married.

11 October 2009
Dick Glover, Cambridge, England.