Welland County, Ontario, Canada
Events for Welland County, Ontario, Canada
'Unknown' means that events cannot be definitively placed.
1 Jan 1919; Marriage; Unknown, Welland County, Ontario, Canada
Stanley Rae Haun (aged 21 of Welland, born Chandler Ont, Bachelor, Machinist, son of Melvin B Haun and Christina Jane Phillips) married Mabel May Darch (aged 20 of Welland, born England, Spinster, son of Anthony Darch and Eliza Caurry)
Identified People:
Parent: Anthony Darch (1865 Tavistock, DEV, ENG -)
Parent: Eliza Curry (1873~ Tavistock, DEV, ENG -)
Spouse: Mabel May Darch (1895~ Tavistock, DEV, ENG -)
Spouse: Stanley Rae Haun (1897~ Ontario, CAN -)
11 October 2009
Dick Glover, Cambridge, England.